Initiate  Change

Collaborating to address health issues to improve care for all patients. Learn more here.

Focus. Action. Solutions.
"This Symposium is a synthesis of all that we learned and are still learning from the COVID 19 Pandemic.  The importance of this information is paramount"
Despite a surge in trauma patients.  Medical directorship skills saved the day.
Thanks to Medical Director Education and updated operation room models excellent patient care continued.
Recent advances in technology have enabled medical teams to communicate information at ever increasing rates.  How do implement these advances to ensure excellent patient care even in time of crisis?  This question and others will be answered by our faculty symposium

 "Advances in medical directorship: What we learned from the pandemic"

ACCMDE Core Values
Excellence in Education
  Excellence of  medical director education means setting standards and metrics for providers and educators. 
Decision Making
Improving medical director decision making and setting standards for protocol usage.
Adoption of Technology
Technology has disrupted many industries and change the way we work.  Setting standards for adoption of technology in medical director education
Mission Statement

ACCMDE's mission is to assure and advance
quality learning for medical directorship education
that drives excellence in patient care.

Accreditation Council For Continuing Medical Directorship Education